Push-Pull Factors of Migration amidst Domestic Resistance of the Visegrad Group Countries


  • Cahya Puja Ayu Shintawati Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta
  • Yoga Suharman Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta




Migration, Rejection, Push-pull, Conflict, Economic Stability


This research presents the push-pull factors of refugees and asylum seekers towards European
countries during strong domestic resistance by The Visegrad Group, consisting of Hungary, Poland,
Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. These factors were examined using the push-pull migration theory,
and the results are presented qualitatively. The data and information presented in this paper came from
secondary sources. The findings revealed two significant facts. Firstly, the negative conditions in the
home countries of refugees and asylum seekers act as migration drivers, including prolonged conflicts,
economic crises, and limited job opportunities; secondly, the attractiveness of Europe as a region
characterized by safety, a stable economy, availability of resources, and sufficient job opportunities.


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How to Cite

Shintawati, C. P. A., & Suharman, Y. (2023). Push-Pull Factors of Migration amidst Domestic Resistance of the Visegrad Group Countries. Journal of Islamic World and Politics, 7(2), 162–177. https://doi.org/10.18196/jiwp.v7i2.56